
Darnishia.com, providing prizes for the 2005 Blackweblog Awards in the following categories:

1. Best Blog Design: $30 Visa Gift Card
2. Best Writing in a Blog: Copy of Small Pleasures: Mya's Story
3. Black Blogger Achievement Award: $20 Visa Gift Card
Online interview of Karrine Steffans, author of Confessions of a Video Vixen


Last night I watched the movie, To Kill a Mockingbird and nearing the end the little girl says: "hey Boo" and I thought, there really isn't anything new under the sun (tho boo was the character's nick name).
Designer Vaginas?!? Dr. Matlock says: "It's basically all about art. I'm an artist." Designer Vaginas.


Lorraine and James |Global Urban Literature publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and interviews in summer, fall and winter.



Want to be the next Russell Simmons? Apply for the Online Reality Show sponsored by AOL Music and Warner Music Group.
Today I am reading Poetry @ Literary Mama: a literary magazine. Particularly No and Son of a Bitch.


Have you voted for your favorite weblog / site today? I think my design is quite fetching, don't you? VOTE! Best Blog Design.


I've decided to sell this version of Small Pleasures through CafePress. Will provide the details later.