
Yet another reason to like Lulu.com. "J.K. Rowling, Agatha Christie and Hunter S. Thompson all got their share of publishers' rejection letters. Stephen King got so many that he used to nail them on a spike in his bedroom. Now, authors whose work has met similar rejection have the chance to put it behind them and get even thanks to a website that lets them print their rejection letters onto rolls of customized toilet paper." Read more of the press release. Unfortunately for me, I lost many of my letters to a fire.


I have ten book orders to fill, via email - all requested signed copies. I never know what to write especially to strangers. Someone said the signature is enough, is it? In addition to Lulu.com and Amazon.com, I guess (for signed copied) I need different form of distribution.


Having to wait 'til Feb06 but it will be worth the wait I'm sure. Olympia Vernon is one of my favorite authors.


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