I'd like to fly far away from here. Where my mind can be fresh and clear. And I'd find the love that I long to see. Everybody can be what they wanna be. -- day198
Love is a flower . . .
Love is a flower . . .
Originally uploaded by darnib
Love is a flower
From that above
To spread it's sunshine
And make us love
Beautiful colors shining though
Bless you, brother
Bless you, brother
God is watching you
Oh, He's watching you!
~ The Emotions
day171 -- Dancing The Dream
day171 -- Dancing The Dream
Originally uploaded by darnib
The silver threads of the Dream Weave are fed by imagination and inspiration. They form the paths that take us safely to the heart of the invisible wonders that are ever-present in physical life. -- Berta Broken Bow -- from Dancing The Dream, by Jamie Sams.
day167 - I was just thinking . . .
day167 - I was just thinking . . .
Originally uploaded by darnib
This morning I woke to a storm of words swirling in my head. They saved me from a nightmare that fancied itself a dream. Words became phrases that turned into sentences that soon became paragraphs shaped into voluptuous stories. I groaned and grasped for the skim of sleep I had cultivated at midnight. I wanted to remind the words -- I don't write anymore at least not as often as I used to. What are the reasons? Fear – Rejection? Time. It takes too much time to say what's really going on and I run from the words and the time and the rejection. Besides, who's gonna care? Who really gives a damn about what I have to say or write? I'm just another black woman and you know what that means (especially if you let Fox news and angry Hillary Clinton feminists tell the tale). From them, the definition of a black woman: loud, rude, mean, angry, fat, bitter, hateful, overbearing, controlling, out of control, lacking gentility and grace, a gal, violent, aggressive, ungracious and vicious . . . and sometimes invisible until the moment arrives that a scapegoat for all things wrong and unholy are needed. Based on that, I mean really, who cares what I have to say, what words I use to say it or what I've had to see, how I've had to live and the run-over shoes that took me to places near and far? Who cares? Who? I do.
day136 - Geisha
day136 - Geisha
Originally uploaded by darnib
Artistic expressing myself.
Changing domain name . . . and site soon. More "art" less talk, rather what I've been doing more of lately anyway. But I am working on another novel. More soon!
"LOOKING FOR CHANGE" Sen. Barack Obama in St. Paul, Minnesota
"LOOKING FOR CHANGE" Sen. Barack Obama in St. Paul, Minnesota
Originally uploaded by MarinaCastillo
Aren't we all!
I love this photo and title.
Originally uploaded by robinart
His art is magnificent . . . I think I've fav'd just about every piece he posts but this one caught me off guard . . . ahhh, I'm speechless!
. . . that he'd create a painting of me. This is such an honor!5.18.2008
Yesterday's play
yesterday's play
Originally uploaded by darnib
He and I met on the MLK holiday in 1992. He has big strong hands (and mine aren't small, well not to me) and gives the greatest hugs and the best common sense advise.
He says that we should move to Savannah and I won't ever have to work again, except to write novels all day long and take pictures of the sun dipping into the ocean.
Maybe - day 11
Maybe - day 11
Originally uploaded by darnib
for the 365 Days project. I'm on day 13 soon to be 14 . . .I'm a little behind on my days.
Stitch for Illustration Friday
Originally uploaded by darnib
I created this image for the Illustration Friday project. The topic was stitch. This week's topic is plain. I've yet to be inspired. Hopefully something will come to mind soon.
I realize, after taking a quick look at my webpage, that I don't really write anymore. Hmmm.
Piggies -- Day 6
Piggies -- day 6
Originally uploaded by darnib
I've joined this project called 365 Days. I'm supposed to take a photo of myself (or make sure that a part of me is in the photo) each day and post it to the group. This is the day 6 photo.
Visit my 365 Days Set to view days 1-5.