
Yesterday's play

yesterday's play
Originally uploaded by darnib

He and I met on the MLK holiday in 1992. He has big strong hands (and mine aren't small, well not to me) and gives the greatest hugs and the best common sense advise.

He says that we should move to Savannah and I won't ever have to work again, except to write novels all day long and take pictures of the sun dipping into the ocean.


Maybe - day 11

Maybe - day 11
Originally uploaded by darnib

for the 365 Days project. I'm on day 13 soon to be 14 . . .I'm a little behind on my days.



Stitch for Illustration Friday
Originally uploaded by darnib

I created this image for the Illustration Friday project. The topic was stitch. This week's topic is plain. I've yet to be inspired. Hopefully something will come to mind soon.

I realize, after taking a quick look at my webpage, that I don't really write anymore. Hmmm.


Piggies -- Day 6

Piggies -- day 6
Originally uploaded by darnib

I've joined this project called 365 Days. I'm supposed to take a photo of myself (or make sure that a part of me is in the photo) each day and post it to the group. This is the day 6 photo.

Visit my 365 Days Set to view days 1-5.