
Non-fiction or realistic fiction? The smokinggun.com, calling Frey's book - A Million Little Lies, alleges that James Frey exaggerates his past with inflated claims about his criminal record in the book, "A Million Little Pieces." I'm currently reading the memoir after having purchased it in December. I've read books more violent and graphically disturbing than this but they were mostly fiction, rather than non-fiction. Most writers, regardless of category or subject matter mix and stir up fact with fiction from time to time (except I'm sure those of academic and research merit). I'm not done reading " A Million Little Pieces." To be honest, I became annoyed after having to read of his mother crying again. Something about reading ten pages of wordless sobbing seemed irritating and I felt bad about my irritation and decided that I needed a break. I guess I would have to experience something so traumatic (drug and alcohol abuse) with my child and then maybe I'd cry like that too. I hope and pray and believe it to never happen. In fact, the motivation to complete the book, is to find something horrifying that led him down the road of drug addiction. I've been looking for abuse, neglect, belittlement - some sort of dramatic evil reason. So far, he hasn't divulged nothing more than sipping alcohol from the unguarded glasses of adults when he was a kid. At some point people will have to decide how much exaggeration takes a story too far from the truth - in regards to memoirs and such. Regardless, read the drama as it unfolds.

The Smoking Gun's - A Million Little Lies
MSN's - Smoking Gun questions Million Little Pieces - author threatens to sue

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