
Is McGuirk Next?

Hardcore hos vs. Nappy-headed hos. The offense was calling them hos. So.

Why fire one and not the other (producer Bernard McGuirk)?
Black female celebrities, such as Oprah Winfrey and Aretha Franklin, are invariably put down as ‘black hos.’ Funny? I don’t think so. Rumors of a relationship between Whoopie Goldberg and Ted Danson struck [producer Bernard McGuirk], to the roar of the white male locker room, as ‘jungle retardation.’ Upon hearing his boss cite a black woman defending Imus against my criticism, McGuirk, in his best Amos ‘n’ Andy voice, mocked, ‘You ain’t no racist, Mister Imus, nah suh. No, thank you, I don’t want no watermelon!’" entire story

In fact he has a long list of defamation crimes, just google him.