
Show it or clothe it . . .

"When a man cannot see a woman, then what is he going to harass her for? Nothing," said Abu Donya, a taxi driver, whose views are shared by many Egyptians. "So imagine if all women wear niqab, things would be better," he said.

Show it or clothe it, men will still wonder about what lay behind the habits of women.


Don said...

I'd be lying if I sat here and tell you that she's without a point. Cause she does.

Mak said...

No need to harass and no need to ask.... for her phone number that is.

Anthony said...

We men are (not purely, but overwhelmingly) visual creatures. That's been hardwired by evolution for thousands of years.

The question is, in modern society, how does one choose to contain or modify this evolutionary behavior. The smart man knows that while it's OK to admire, its another to be the creepy dude, and we all know the limit.

As you say, we're going to wonder what's underneath the veil and habit, regardless. In my opinion, her point is only as valid as the maturity and desire of the men she interacts with on a daily or regular basis.