
Who Will Be James Brown

One of my favorite directors, Spike Lee, is to direct the James Brown Movie (I was wondering when this would happen . . .

This particular project had been in the works prior to Brown's death and even had the musician's input during development, especially regarding music rights.

The Paramount Pictures production is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2008.

Now, who in the world is capable of playing James Brown? Who, besides Jamie Foxx, has the talent to act and sing beyond the normal call? AND add to that, dance!!!!

Hmmmm, let's see:

Bobby Brown. is certainly the dramatic one (on and off stage, mostly off I believe but he can sing and dance.

Eddie Murphy. Comedians are great in dramatic roles. Although he sings, I'm not sure about him channeling James Brown's voice (or fancy foot moves).

Leon from the 5 Heartbeats, Waiting to Exhale & The Temptations - he played an interesting David Ruffin.

Prince. My favorite multi-talented artist. He's the most talented of them all and some of his moves are classic James Brown but his acting (and I LOVE PRINCE yes I do!) isn't strong enough (Under the Cherry Moon, BLAH!) but who knows . . . still I just can't see him as James Brown.

Sisco (ex lead singer of Dru Hill - famous for the "Thong Song") -- mmmmmaybe.

Andre from Outkast. If Laurence Fishburne can play Ike in "What's Love Got to Do With It," then certainly . . .

Or perhaps an "unknown" would be better suited.


Apocalypto. Love Survives!

Apocalypto is a beautiful story of a man's love for his wife and child that is surrounded by circles of other stories (brotherhood, family, culture, invasion, greed, the supernatural). Not to forget an important message at the beginning of the movie: A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. Isn't that the case most of the time? I think that might have been the message but I found there to be another.

It is passionate, funny at times (in the early part of the film when the men are hunting) it shows tenderness and respect of elders (after dinner all the families gather around the elder and listen to a story then afterwards they DANCE!) and it is heart felt and wrenching, and yes a bit violent too. Though after hearing about the Atlanta Police, serving a no knock warrant, killing a 92-year-old woman last month because they suspected someone was selling drugs from her home, its just another version of art imitating life. People, those appalled by the gruesomeness that Mel Gibson delivers in this film, act as if the modern world of today is crowded with people who wouldn't cause a fly harm, as if there aren't wars tearing apart lush lands and polluting the air.

Apocalypto was said to be another version of The Passion of Christ, comparing the wounds of Christ with those of Jaguar Paw's. Supernaturally maybe there were some things to note (Jaguar Paw's dream, a little girl foretelling doom, an eclipse interpreted as a sign from the Sun God, etc.). Whereas Christ died for US, as many martyrs often do, Jaguar Paw withstands every terrible, bloody blow of fist and weapon (with the help, it seems, of nature) to escape, race back to a ravaged village and save the life of his pregnant wife and child. It is a must see.


The Refreshing Wall

This is fun! Review the gallery and vote on the best OR approach the wall with bravery and create your own graff.


Bad Fruit

She's had enough! The roving eye disease needed a quick cure. He had it coming particularly at this weekend's holiday gathering when Ms. Cherry Rouge spied her man eyeing the infamous green M&M. On went the red boxing glove and KaPOW!

Get with the humor! It's only a teeshirt (and more)! See what's new in the store.


Schoolteacher Disembowelled for Teaching Girls

The gunmen came in the night . . .

Like only a coward would do, but being cowards they disemboweled the schoolteacher then tore apart his limbs and displayed the remains as a warning to others. All for teaching girls to read, to write, to think . . . to question. It is easier to be a slave if you cannot think on your own. I guess this is what those type of men desire, slaves instead of educated wives and daughters. Illiteracy means you must trust and rely on the words of the one interpreting the book (the Koran, the Bible, etc).

I don't understand the ignorance of one who would forbid another from an education. I've heard people say it is fear that makes a man harm another but I'm not so sure. I can understand the fear that provokes a mother to protect herself and child(ren) but to commit violence against a person who has brought you no harm is insane! If that is true, then does fear equal war. Is it a coward who bombs from the sky rather than meet a man, hand to hand, face to face?

I can't imagine losing my first grade teacher, Ms. Root. She was wonderful. I don't know if it was her being my first grade teacher that made her so wonderful or that it was her belief in me (and I knew this even at six). Or heaven forbid someone causing harm to my mom for teaching me the Lord's Prayer, the alphabet, how to spell my name. GEEZ! Or Ms. Sullivan for teaching me to appreciate classical music. And now that I'm older, I appreciate it more. I could go on but I suppose I'm writing this because after reading the article I became angry and annoyed and needed something to do with the emotional storm.

What should be done with a person who'd torture a human being for teaching little girls to read and write? What kind of a (in)human would do such a thing?


Another Author Passes On . . .

Elizabeth Bebe Moore Campbell Gordon, best selling author and mental advocate, died on Monday, November 27, due to complications related to brain cancer (read the press release). After learning of this, and even though -- if you've visited her site you knew of her illness -- still, I realized how quietly some people slip away.

Your Blues Ain't Like Mine was the first book I read by Bebe Moore Campbell, it was a gift to me from a friend and I enjoyed it. So much so that I went on to read the many other novels that she wrote but Your Blues, along with What You Owe Me and Sweet Summer, Growing Up With and Without My Dad, were my favorites.

This is what she had to say on becoming a writer:

I was constantly rejected for five years. By attending very supportive writers' workshops I learned that when the world is telling me no I must surround myself with people who are telling me yes. I don't think I would have ever been published if I hadn't found the friendship and support I needed in the workshops.


Buddha Blues

Buddha plus goddess equals Buddhaess. But whatever you name her, she represents the same, lovely. Inspired by meditation, hope and a deep love for the blues.

The image is available on t-shirts, throw pillows and a lovely keepsake box. Just click the images below for purchase information.

Free buddhaess downloads for your desktop:


Alice Walker Booksigning & Reading

will read from her new book of meditations, "We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Light in a Time of Darkness." A book signing will follow the reading.
Tuesday, November 14, Noon - 1:30 PM
At Emory University, Winship Ballroom of the Dobbs University Center.

For more information


Image is Everything

I've sold a good many items from my store but the Georgia Peach tees seem to be a favorite, not just for folks residing in Georgia but Florida, California, New York, etc. That's what makes this so special to me that there are people everywhere purchasing the t-shirts.

Got yours?

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do you speak AMERICAN?
Language expresses who we are, and who we want to be. It can also unite or divide us.


--- book description
"I am my father's daughter," is Mya's mantra as she prepares to abort another fetus, one she had contemplated carrying to full term after a botched abortion. Afterall the abortionist's message had been terrifying and clear: "It might have no head, no arms."

Mya Sheppard, the most beautiful of Donovan Sheppard's daughters, cultivates careless and restless behavior traits. Killing is simply one of them.

She and her beguiling sisters emerge from a home where love is dictated by a Father who lost his dreams to Vietnam. Love to them is a shadowy figure trapped and twisted among sweet and wicked, fairytales and religion, mother and father, God and Satan. Depending on the sister, truth is destorted by the grieving memories of unfinished childhoods. The family secrets (rape and domestic abuse) assign each girl a fate of love, fear, hurt, and destruction.

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Its hard to believe that Frey's, , is holding fast to the top ten. Wow! Controversy and do sell.


American Idol needs to hire Price Waterhouse to count votes because I don't believe won over both Chris and now Elliot. I prefered to see and duke it out, so to speak. In fact, if you caught the show tonight you'd have seen the tremendous support that both young men garnered when they returned to their respective home towns. The support and fan base is there. Geez!


American Idol needs to hire Price Waterhouse to count votes because I don't believe won over both Chris and now Elliot. I prefered to see and duke it out, so to speak. In fact, if you caught the show tonight you'd have seen the tremendous support that both young men garnered when they returned to their respective home towns. The support and fan base is there. Geez!
It is 9:56pm and I'm waiting to hear Elliot Yamin announced as a finalist. He sang the song I heard him sing in the beginning that made me watch every show and I'm not much of an American Idol fan/watcher. But because he was so cool with the words and the melody and the way he moved his head . . . results are coming in. I'm crossing my fingers. I want the two guys to be the finalists.
A woman is nothing without a man. Don't you forget it! That message continues to be loud and clear and has been brought out by the fictitious I found the book boring except for a few pieces here or there so I'm not anxious to see the movie (even though Tom Hanks is the star and Ron Howard the director). In fact I can't remember much of the here or there except somewhere in the meat of pages 100ish where the author states something along the lines of "demonizing women" (I've always used that phrase). For the most part I recall being bored and rushing through chapters excited about the possibilities???? only to encounter a disappointing end (I should have read the book before all the hype). All this talk about Mary Magdelene being Jesus's wife. No one seemed interested in her before. Neither she or Mary, mother of "God", warranted a chapter like Esther (worldly king's concubine and contestant in a pageant to be the next queen). But lo and behold, an author (male) writes a piece of fiction (to which the "precious" is protected and held in secret by a group of prestigious men) and ties her to Jesus's bed. Voila! Magdelene is famous. Suddenly she's some sort of deity (to some folks) all because she married Jesus. I guess that's fair. I mean if I married a king, wouldn't that make me a queen? But then couldn't she have been a goddess without marrying? Or maybe she was never married to Jesus but his chick on the side, his favorite red-haired disciple - the beloved, the one Jesus loved.


I haven't any "" tees in my shop but after hearing Bush speak last night I've concluded that the following are worth creating:
1) Protect Our Borders . . . Deport George Bush
2) George Bush is Vicente Fox's Bitch
______________________ you fill in the blank.

Bush got his turn so . . . When will God speak? Don't you want to hear his voice? Where is my burning bush? Is it in a dream that disappears when the sun rises in the morning or a dream easily explained away as "just a dream." I want God to speak but my fear is that his voice is that of a hurricane or earthquake; there might not be any survivors after he's done telling us off. Then who'd do the documenting, the writing down of how he interrupted prime time news? Or would it fizzle into another . . . myth.

Bush had his turn. He busted through the primest time, during May sweeps and spoke his piece last night. Politics.

Now. Its God's turn. Religion. Can CNN and Fox News give God thirty-minutes? Religion aside, I believe most people want to know that God is real. At least for me, I'd like to know that despite what happens here (because it seems like God allows alot of hellish stuff to happen to people of color and women all around the world), that in the next life, LIFE IS SWEET and PEACE. And that there are no creative geniuses who think that creating a bomb is smart.
Preparing to give away some more stuff from the store. And check back soon for the details on a future contest. Since you're here, make time to . Here's a bit of heartbreaking, storytelling: A Mother's Story written by Peggy Duffy.


Three times I've heard, within the past hour, from different news shows, Chuck Hagel, the Republican senator from Nebraska, state that guarding our borders isn't the responsibility of the National Guard. Who might be responsible, if not them? He never says or, either, the media cuts him off at that point.

...... The National Guard serves both the state (local or statewide emergencies, such as storms, fires, earthquakes or civil disturbances) and nation in times of need .......


What is the main story line for the book, ? That isn't an easy question to answer but there is an answer. The story is about the many forms of abuse (, , , and ) and the domino affect they have on everyone, even those not directly affected.
I've been told that , or the knee deep in strict Bible beliefs, will curse the book. So far I have not encountered any such people. Never. The. Less. That should not stop you (dear reader) from purchasing your copy today. Also, book mark this page and return soon. I'm making changes for the summer and I feel an coming on. Will keep you posted.


Too Much Sex?

I received an email on yesterday from someone who claims to like my style of writing and in fact enjoyed but stated that she was put off by the . Quote: "Some parts were troublesome and hard to tread so I skipped a few sentences to guard myself from the explicit details. Otherwise the book was an excellent story." Well, at least there were some pleasing moments to the story AND she was impressed that I'd designed the book's cover. Thanks for the emails. I enjoy reading them, even from those who aren't pleased at all.
, the novel that brought you, , , , , and , has taken off! and is doing very very well thanks to YOU. For those just now hearing about it and are new visitors to the site, take a look around but don't forget to purchase your copy TODAY --> click on the Amazon or LuLu.com links at the top. Working on some small contract details but will announce great news soon! Stay tuned.


Michael's 50 Cent? Let's see if 50 Cent collaborates with Michael Jackson, the child molestor, on Michael's next album. already blasted Oprah for "catering to white women." Who does he cater to, thugs? Isn't Oprah a successful business woman and in doing business found her audience and customer (client) and catered to him/her. If white women are her biggest supporters why shouldn't she cater to them? But that doesn't mean Oprah hasn't done good things for blacks. He should have taken a look at her philanthropy record before opening his sabor toothed mouth! Catering to thugs, I'm sure he'll collaborate with Michael.
, ,


"African-American women might be at higher risk for worse breast tumors and at an earlier age."
Read more --->


I just visited a blog with so many ads on it that the "content" was the last thing to load. I thought it strange that the purpose of the blog would load after the advertisements. Of course the purpose could be the money that comes in because of the ads.



Google Adsense makes third-world webmasters wealthy

The revenues from Adsense ads are so high by third-world standards that some people are living entirely off of this money.

read more | digg story


Warner Books, Seven Stories Press and Beacon Press have come together to establish the Octavia Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund Full Story
Cause & Affect 3.331: Raising support and awareness for the Orphan Trust Project in Zambia, Africa.

World Health Organization on Zambia.


Deborah Tannen, author of the New York Times bestseller (for over 3 years) You Just Don't Understand, will speak at Emory University, Tuesday, March 21 @ 4:30pm (480 Kilgo Circle, White Hall, Room 208). Afterwards, she will sign copies of her current bestseller: You're Wearing THAT?: Understanding Mothers and Daughters in Conversation.


Modern day "Robin Hood"? -- Granny's got a gun! She's robbing the "rich" to feed those who are starving to death.


There's always a Lily of the Valley but don't you forget about the Bright Morning Star! Preparing to revise Delilah's Fruit.


Snake oil salesman, James Frey

Technorati Tag
People are more concerned with proving Oprah was duped (was wrong) and gloating, almost celebrating over it rather than being outraged and annoyed that James Frey and his publishers sold snake oil as the new "make it all better" ointment (so to speak). Reminds me of the book Beloved, the portion which describes a celebration of sorts, when the neighborhood folks are invited to Baby Sugg's to eat good food, drink, dance and enjoy themselves. The following day, those neighborhood folks, awakened to outrage and jealousy over what they consider an overabundance of blessings bestowed upon Baby Sugg's (even though she is willing to share). There are jealous hateful people who despise Oprah's success and philanthropy and this Frey mess seems to have given them cause and ammunition for strange inappropriate glee.



Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin . . . husssshhhhhh. You and others who believe God is angry and using nature to harm folks for their bad behavior, your backwards way of thinking is pitiful. Please stop it! IF God is indeed angry and using nature to get attention its because we haven't been good shepherds of the Earth, we've abused and continue to abuse this planet in various ways. If God was angry about man's behavior he'd not only use nature to destroy New Orleans, surely he'd have wreaked havoc on NY, LA, Miami, Atl, just to name a few. And why start now? Why not start destroying "America" after it was invaded and the Native American's were treated atrociously . . . or during slavery . . . Jim Crow . . .

Mayor Nagin Says God's Mad at American

Technorati - Nagin
To do list? Working on the Valentine's Day section of my online t-shirt store. Check!


Taylor Branch's final volume of the biography of Martin Luther King - At Canaan's Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-68. Read an except of the book at MSNBC.com.

Vol I - Parting the Waters : America in the King Years 1954-63
Vol II - Pillar of Fire : America in the King Years 1963-65


Contrary to erroneous published reports, Random House, Inc. is not offering a special refund on A Million Little Pieces. refund, Randomhouse: Read more . . ..

Other related articles: Oprah Orders a Large Frey

There's something very little-boy-who-cried-wolf/ish here, like there is a: And The Moral of the Story is . . . I wonder if Oprah will invite Frey back for a follow-up? But then, even this is simply more publicity. Now folks want to read what all the trouble is about. Read what other bloggers have to say on the matter.


Non-fiction or realistic fiction? The smokinggun.com, calling Frey's book - A Million Little Lies, alleges that James Frey exaggerates his past with inflated claims about his criminal record in the book, "A Million Little Pieces." I'm currently reading the memoir after having purchased it in December. I've read books more violent and graphically disturbing than this but they were mostly fiction, rather than non-fiction. Most writers, regardless of category or subject matter mix and stir up fact with fiction from time to time (except I'm sure those of academic and research merit). I'm not done reading " A Million Little Pieces." To be honest, I became annoyed after having to read of his mother crying again. Something about reading ten pages of wordless sobbing seemed irritating and I felt bad about my irritation and decided that I needed a break. I guess I would have to experience something so traumatic (drug and alcohol abuse) with my child and then maybe I'd cry like that too. I hope and pray and believe it to never happen. In fact, the motivation to complete the book, is to find something horrifying that led him down the road of drug addiction. I've been looking for abuse, neglect, belittlement - some sort of dramatic evil reason. So far, he hasn't divulged nothing more than sipping alcohol from the unguarded glasses of adults when he was a kid. At some point people will have to decide how much exaggeration takes a story too far from the truth - in regards to memoirs and such. Regardless, read the drama as it unfolds.

The Smoking Gun's - A Million Little Lies
MSN's - Smoking Gun questions Million Little Pieces - author threatens to sue