

Bush got his turn so . . . When will God speak? Don't you want to hear his voice? Where is my burning bush? Is it in a dream that disappears when the sun rises in the morning or a dream easily explained away as "just a dream." I want God to speak but my fear is that his voice is that of a hurricane or earthquake; there might not be any survivors after he's done telling us off. Then who'd do the documenting, the writing down of how he interrupted prime time news? Or would it fizzle into another . . . myth.

Bush had his turn. He busted through the primest time, during May sweeps and spoke his piece last night. Politics.

Now. Its God's turn. Religion. Can CNN and Fox News give God thirty-minutes? Religion aside, I believe most people want to know that God is real. At least for me, I'd like to know that despite what happens here (because it seems like God allows alot of hellish stuff to happen to people of color and women all around the world), that in the next life, LIFE IS SWEET and PEACE. And that there are no creative geniuses who think that creating a bomb is smart.

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