
25 Hottest Urban Legends

I become a bit annoyed when I receive forwards and such from friends and family. I especially loathe the chain letter style emails, particularly the ones that speak of God and Jesus and love then, at the end, place a curse on you if you do not forward to 10 or 20 people within the next 7 minutes. I usually delete them or, if they are interesting, I delete the curse and forward to the appropriate relative or friend. But I also let people know not to send them to me, as well as "urban legends" but the fear of bad luck for the next month or roach eggs in tacos seem to make people forget to leave me out of the loop.

Snopes.com has a 25 hottest urban legends list. I just might forward the list to those loving and thoughtful folks who from time to time feel the need to keep me informed.


Be Prepared

For Obama's next visit to Georgia or for that rally of rallies, makes sure you are properly attired.

Georgia for Obama


So Blogger ain't the father?

The blog turns ten today. Or tenish. Or ten-something. Depending on when . . .
Was the first blogger the irascible Dave Winer? The iconoclastic Jorn Barger? Or was the first blogger really Justin Hall, a Web diarist and online gaming expert whom The New York Times Magazine once called the "founding father of personal blogging."
Blogs turn 10--who's the father?


The Evil that Men Do

photo by Chris Viola

This photo breaks my heart all the more. The anguish on his little 10-year old face and the tears. His brother's body, 6-year-old Christopher Michael Barrios, was found today and when I heard it on the news, I cried. My heart was already burdened when I heard that he was missing and just when I thought it could not get any heavier, it did -- as if this child was my own.

George David Edenfield, a mentally slow 32-year-old man who lived with his parents across the street from the boy's grandmother, was arrested and charged with violating his probation from a 1997 child molestation conviction, which prohibits him from contact with children. Police said he admitted playing a role in Christopher's disappearance, but they would not be more specific.


Grapes of Wealth

grapes of wealth come in bunches
Eve's Grapes of Wealth! (take one). This is part of a new collection featuring different versions of Eve. Here we have the Grapes of Wealth, featuring Eve (from the infamous Garden of Eden).

There's also the apple version, featuring a red-haired vixen ---> Eve Knew Her Fruit, mentioned below.


Eve Knew Her Fruit

copyright 2007 by Darni
Apparently so, according to the WebMD article:
Apples and apple juice prevent some of the cell damage in the brain that may lead to Alzheimer's disease in old age, according to one study. The fruit's protective power comes from antioxidants, chemicals that are known to protect cells throughout the body, particularly the brain and the heart.

This wasn't the motivation behind my creating the image of a red-haired, Eve holding a plump red apple but it adds to my cheer in having created her. Summer t-shirts . . .

eve knew her fruit tshirts


"Grady's Anatomy"

ATLANTA-Residents from Emory University School of Medicine and Morehouse School of Medicine will be featured in an upcoming documentary that gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of residents at Atlanta's Grady Memorial Hospital, both on and off duty. 'CNN: Special Investigations Unit -- Grady's Anatomy,' a documentary that follows the lives of three Emory residents, Robin Lowman, MD, Andrea Meinerz, MD, and Lou Tumialàn, MD, and Morehouse resident, Nii Darko, MD will air on March 24 and 25 at 8pm and 11pm Eastern.

The television drama, Grey's Anatomy, has raised awareness of residency training and the dedication these young doctors have to their patients. If viewers have been wondering 'do residents really do that?' their questions will be answered. This real-life depiction shows the residents in an inner-city hospital, taking care of patients with various degrees of serious illness and trauma, while keeping it all together as they themselves are faced with various degrees of sleep deprivation.

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