
25 Hottest Urban Legends

I become a bit annoyed when I receive forwards and such from friends and family. I especially loathe the chain letter style emails, particularly the ones that speak of God and Jesus and love then, at the end, place a curse on you if you do not forward to 10 or 20 people within the next 7 minutes. I usually delete them or, if they are interesting, I delete the curse and forward to the appropriate relative or friend. But I also let people know not to send them to me, as well as "urban legends" but the fear of bad luck for the next month or roach eggs in tacos seem to make people forget to leave me out of the loop.

Snopes.com has a 25 hottest urban legends list. I just might forward the list to those loving and thoughtful folks who from time to time feel the need to keep me informed.

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