
Oh, Of Course!!!! Russell Simmons has a book to sell

"We recommend that the recording and broadcast industries voluntarily remove/bleep/delete the misogynistic words 'bitch' and 'ho' and the racially offensive word 'nigger'," Simmons and Benjamin Chavis, co-chairmen of the advocacy group Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, said in a statement. Monday's statement changed course from another one by Simmons and Chavis dated April 13, a day after Imus' show was canceled, in which they said offensive references in hip-hop "may be uncomfortable for some to hear, but our job is not to silence or censor that expression." Hip-hop's Simmons wants to remove offensive words

It took a white man calling black females "nappy headed hos" (I guess its all in how you use nappy as to whether it is considered derogatory) for Simmons to speak out against the author's of hardcore/porn/violent rap music? Too bad the likes of Two Live Crew, 2 Short, etc. didn't sway him. I don't like censorship and I don't particularly care much for today's version of hip hop music (nor some from the "old school"). I didn't listen to it much back then and I turn the radio off or to another station when I hear or at least feel like something's attempting to disrupt my beautiful day/life. The difference between music today and the music my parents listened to was that certain songs weren't played on the radio and when the music was play in my home, we had to go to our rooms (my sisters and I). There were times, when the grown folks were entertaining, the children had to leave the room. This leaving the room came when a 1) certain kind of joke was to be shared or 2) a certain type of song was played --- all of this was done to protect out impressionable minds (lol). So we'd leave the room, angrily, in a huff, swearing in our head (never out loud!). But today, you can hear it all! on the radio!! I'm not going to argue the point.

Changing one's mind is not necessarily a female thing (never really has been). But then again, he has a book to promote and sell --- released TODAY! (April 24, 2007).

How convenient!

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